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NoName by Guest
Fort: 115
Chak: 55
INT: 130
STR: 5
AGI: 5
weapon: pkunai
Created At: 07/01/24 9:42 PM
Updated At: 07/01/24 9:42 PM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 5
Chak: 5
INT: 65
STR: 80
AGI: 5
weapon: none
Created At: 06/30/24 2:11 AM
Updated At: 06/30/24 2:11 AM
Sujiro Kimimame by Guest
Fort: 125
Chak: 50
INT: 5
STR: 125
AGI: 5
weapon: gf-bs
Created At: 06/29/24 7:43 AM
Updated At: 06/29/24 7:43 AM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 115
Chak: 55
INT: 135
STR: 5
AGI: 5
weapon: kunai
Created At: 06/28/24 11:29 PM
Updated At: 06/28/24 11:29 PM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 120
Chak: 55
INT: 80
STR: 50
AGI: 5
weapon: bubblePipe-10
Created At: 06/28/24 12:54 AM
Updated At: 06/28/24 12:54 AM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 91
Chak: 37
INT: 174
STR: 5
AGI: 5
weapon: none
Created At: 06/27/24 9:43 PM
Updated At: 06/27/24 9:43 PM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 115
Chak: 85
INT: 100
STR: 5
AGI: 5
weapon: none
Created At: 06/26/24 9:26 PM
Updated At: 06/26/24 9:26 PM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 147
Chak: 45
INT: 135
STR: 5
AGI: 5
weapon: none
Created At: 06/26/24 1:32 PM
Updated At: 06/26/24 1:32 PM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 135
Chak: 55
INT: 5
STR: 110
AGI: 5
weapon: blueFan
Created At: 06/26/24 5:25 AM
Updated At: 06/26/24 5:25 AM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 95
Chak: 49
INT: 5
STR: 110
AGI: 5
weapon: none
Created At: 06/26/24 5:24 AM
Updated At: 06/26/24 5:24 AM
Burn by Guest
Fort: 115
Chak: 65
INT: 120
STR: 5
AGI: 5
weapon: none
Created At: 06/25/24 8:48 PM
Updated At: 06/25/24 8:48 PM
Medic+water by Guest
Fort: 140
Chak: 95
INT: 65
STR: 5
AGI: 5
weapon: none
Created At: 06/25/24 12:29 AM
Updated At: 06/25/24 12:29 AM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 5
Chak: 5
INT: 5
STR: 5
AGI: 5
weapon: none
Created At: 06/25/24 12:09 AM
Updated At: 06/25/24 12:09 AM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 110
Chak: 0
INT: 75
STR: 75
AGI: 15
weapon: mist-samehada
Created At: 06/24/24 1:47 PM
Updated At: 06/24/24 1:47 PM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 120
Chak: 145
INT: 5
STR: 5
AGI: 5
weapon: none
Created At: 06/24/24 12:48 PM
Updated At: 06/24/24 12:48 PM
NoName by Guest
Fort: 5
Chak: 5
INT: 5
STR: 80
AGI: 5
weapon: none
Created At: 06/24/24 12:17 PM
Updated At: 06/24/24 12:17 PM